Thursday 26 January 2012

Thursday Blues

Ahhh unemployment. I don't know about you, but I'm over being a student and living off of a student budget. I've got a few more photos of things I want but can't have, but this time, they are expensive meaning I really can't have them. Boo hoo, right? Anyway, here we go!

I've decided that a good DSLR camera is going to be graduation present to myself. So I'm sorry to say you're going to have to put up with instagram-ed iPhone pictures until August (Yes, August. Don't even get me started).


Lovin' Blogs

 <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

I finally caught on to this whole bloglovin' thing and now I'm on it. If you want to follow me there, well, that would be cool! Hope you're having a fantastic day!

Thursday 19 January 2012


I once read on a blog never to apologize for a lack of posts, so I won't. Let's just say I feel a certain way for not having written anything on this blog in a while. So, ANYWAY, how are you? With the end of exams, Mexico, start of a new semester, and back to back weekend visitors, I've been a little busy. But I'd like to get back to it and make you super jealous by posting a picture of what I stared at for two weeks. Joke's on me as I'm in the cold and snow (calm down Vancouver) just like you suckers. Let's all hold hands and hibernate until May. No? Whatever, brah. TALK SOON!