So, my hair is long. Like, really long. I only get it cut a couple times a year and I have one reason for this: I'm too cheap to get it done any more than that. Last February I got it cut to a couple inches below my shoulders and for me, that was short. I like to say that I don't care about my hair and it certainly looks that way most of the time. But the fact is, I'm still a student and I don't care how it looks on a day to day basis. When I work or go out I will spend more than 3 minutes doing my hair, I swear. The problem is, it's at that point where it has no style and it just kind of hangs there all stringy and long. Really cute, right?! Wrong! So here comes the one-week-before-a-haircut-looking-at-pictures-of-Jennifer-Aniston-for-hair-inspiration hunt, and guess what? I've found it.

Those who know me know that this really isn't that much different than what I've got now, except that it's shorter and neater. I want a few more layers around my face, maybe I'll even ask my stylist for side bangs. But I like that the overall length looks to be the same and there aren't many layers as I'm not into the super layered look. Anyway, I'm thinking I'll schedule an appointment for next week - or maybe sooner, those head massages are so enticing!